Hello one and all.
Thank you to everyone who submitted clues this week. I make it a total of 33 entries from 16 contributors and the standard seems to be as high as ever. It was fun to judge.
The suggestions which made my shortlist included pigale @ 22, geevo @ 26 and stevea6000 @ 30/31.
I was really taken by skyewalker’s offering @ 7 “Fish in river for pike” which on first reading makes no reference at all to weapons, missiles etc. I doubt I would have hit on the solution in a crossword without the help of some of the letters.
My choice for first place goes to a clue written in a similar style; the winner this week is Tatters for his entry @ 6
“Intent to discharge missile. (7)”
I thought this a clever use of “intent” and would have been most unlikely to crack the clue in a puzzle without assistance. Well done, Tatters.
Your prize awaits. This was first broadcast in January 1986 when 2020 was some way away! Thank goodness we don’t have volatile leaders in charge of countries with powerful weapons these days.
Thank you once again to all who took part; see you next week.