I agree with your excellent analysis. There were lots of clever aspects to this puzzle even thought it was one of the easier ones. 22A is clunky, but read well and 21A was neat, a phrase I have heard many times in the golf club. A short sweet clever clue. The treble definition clue 31A was also very good
You are right to say I was cleverly misled. When I got Lemmon, I looked for Curtis and found him, and jumped to the erroneous conclusion that the "Odd Couple" was involved with all its possibilies for anagrams, odd pair of letters etc. Luckily, malone ordered me to adandon that trail.
EVs cannot be considered poor although there have been errors of late as discussed here. Also the degree of difficulty varies, as mentioned by one of my favourite setters Chalicea mentioned here recently. I complete about half of them. If the setter is Chalicea, Piccadilly, Samuel, Gaston or some others ,I will always have a go. if it is Ifor, Oxymoron, Shark Kcit, I dont even start as I know it will be too difficult for me. It is our choice.
I also agree with the comments of malone and teenieleek