As usual, I was miscounting and didn't realise all the votes were in. Sorry, folks. Thank you all for taking part.
With 1 vote each we have Nemo @37 (sorry for the earlier predictive text typo), SteveA @6 and Aristo @14. On 2 votes apiece are AB @26 and FJ @12. In third place on 3 votes is Heathcliff @28. Tying at the top with 4 votes each are Tatters (still on form)@20 and Dorrien @17. Both excellent clues.
Just edging it for me is Dorrien @17 with
Shot in a bar? (7)
Congratulations. Your prize is another excuse for me to inflict upon you (and anyone else who cares to look in) the chaps I'll hopefully be seeing live in a couple of weeks, the title of the song being "Measure." No accompanying video, I'm afraid.
A bonus for those who require moving pictures with their music. (Watch out for the complicated motif on the piano).
Best wishes, all