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26th February 2018, 22:32


26th February 2018, 22:43
Thank you, annobrain, for that link.
That is the first vindication I have had since moving here (many) years ago, there IS such a thing as "shoulder" steak!
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27th February 2018, 09:27
Hi Elle
My Wiltshire side of the family were all Master Butchers (and pig farmers) and I was brought up knowing all the cuts of pork, beef and lamb and others. I only heard chuck and blade being used, but I did know that those steaks were part of the shoulder. They can be tough and should be chopped and cooked slowly. Very tasty in stews :)
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27th February 2018, 16:09
Hi jazzgirl, the answer to yesterday’s clue was ( chuck) I tried disc but I Couldn’t get anything to go with it, got the solution in this mornings paper, thanks again...
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27th February 2018, 16:16
hi ollyblue
Well, that was a tough one I thought.
Five good suggestions and none of us hit the correct answer.
Hoping for better luck next time
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