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22nd February 2018, 22:42
I have a completed grid plus the letters in the shaded cells, but have noidea how to proceed to get the lettersin the boxes 1 to 6 situated below the grid. . Unfortunately i am missing the third word of the message. Please could you possibly guide me to the final solution since I cannot see what is tghe wordplay to cell content. Thanks in advance.. I have never been a fan of Ifor although it seems that he coyuld be a fellow Welshman like nyself, and I cannot see any useful hints or clues to find the answers needed in the bottom line.
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22nd February 2018, 22:52
Hi Shoni

I’ll give you one to get you started.

One of the shaded cells has ON in

Each of the authors has a novel that cryptically references the letters in the shaded cells.

Ian Fleming wrote Dr No

If you doctor or tamper with NO you get ON.

ON then goes in the numbered box that tallies with the author’s position in the perimeter.

That should help you finish.
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