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23rd February 2018, 22:52

I doubt Paul is in a pub, pigale!! I believe he often works into the small hours and/or does not always have access to his computer.
You may have to decide; don't worry, they rarely bite xx
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23rd February 2018, 22:55
Thanks Ros - I shall wait until 11.30 and then decide!
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23rd February 2018, 23:41
Well, sorry Paul, but it is time to wrap things up - and apologies for
thinking you might be in a pub!

Thank you for entering your clues for a word that I realise was
not the best choice, but you did manage some great clues nonetheless.

There were 17 clues from 12 participants,

The final tally is

1 vote each for Skyewalker @ 4, Mattrom @ 13 and Dorrien @ 11

2 votes for Ab @ 10

and 3 votes each for Skyewalker @2 and Aristo @ 15

So, my problem is that I like both of these clues! but since I
have to choose, I will give my deciding vote to
Skyewalker @ 2 for a smooth anagram and good surface reading.

Congratulations Skye, and here is your prize;
It is a sketch which most of you will have seen many a time, but
I hope you will still enjoy it

Thanks again for taking part and pleasant week-end to all
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23rd February 2018, 23:43
Sorry, I meant to give the winning entry

'Enchantement turning cat into rat'
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24th February 2018, 00:09
You can always serve up a Dave Allen Pigale. Good job
Congrats SKW you had the first crack at that one and were on my short list. I look forward to your challenge next week. Something from DSL?
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24th February 2018, 00:18
Well done sw. Thanks pigale.
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24th February 2018, 00:44
.... and thanks for the vote Fj and the mention Steve much appreciated
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24th February 2018, 00:45
Just got in - congrats SW!
Pigale - Ros is bang on (hic) (ne t’inquite pas - blague) mais merci pour m’attendre.
I probably would have voted for SW too! X
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24th February 2018, 00:47
@FJ thanks for the mention
@oblib - hey Martin how are you?
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24th February 2018, 01:18
Very nice, skyewalker. Thanks, pigale. Thanks also to ab, dorrien, and mattrom for the votes and stevea for the mention.
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