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19th February 2018, 08:46
I thought of that, but that would only apply in the case of a homophone, right? What is savory a homophone of?

I feel like I must be missing something really obvious here, so I will apologize in advance for being dim.
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19th February 2018, 08:54
Savory sounds like Savoury, not sweet.
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19th February 2018, 08:59
I'm pretty sure savory and savoury are synonyms. In fact I'd say they are the exact same word in slightly different spellings - like flavor and flavour. Both MW and the OED list them as variants of each other.
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19th February 2018, 10:27
According to Chambers, savour and savor are variants of the same word, with the same meaning, but "savor" is the N. American spelling.
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19th February 2018, 10:37
I guess I can kind of see how the clue works with "savory" as the answer. But I've never seen a "sounds like" clue used in this way. The answer sounds like a word that is a spelling variant of the answer... To me this is weird.

Take this made up clue:
Hue, on the phone. (5)

The answer is "color" because hue can mean color and color sounds like colour. Weird.
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