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16th February 2018, 21:44
My vote was for
Sw @6
But let me start the clamour to praise Pigale's excellent clue at
2,28 or 32?
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16th February 2018, 23:20
The final tally is-
Skyewalker# 6 : 2,
skyewalker# 8, : 1 or 2
Dorrien #5, chrise #22, seamus #3 all on 1 vote and dorrien #9 on 1 or 0

and Pigale with the magnificant total of 6 votes is our runaway winner! Her votes were for #2, which is-
Revisited NHS timetables set-up (13).
Well done indeed.

Your prize is

Thank you all for taking part

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16th February 2018, 23:35
Congrats, pigale. Thanks, BBM / Rosalind.

And thanks for the mentions, Chrise, Paul, pigale.
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16th February 2018, 23:46
Good spot Pigale
Thanks Rosalind for stepping up to the plate and
thanks Mattrom for the vote
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16th February 2018, 23:52
Congratulations Pigale
Cheers Marty/Ros for hosting
Thanks Pigale and Stevea for giving me a mention, appreciated
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17th February 2018, 00:05
Well, I was convinced I was on a loser! So nicely surprised!

First, thanks for all the advice given as far as choice of word is concerned; I guess I was trying to be clever by chosing an anagrid that was somewhat 'uncommon' - But I can see that it DOES read much better with 'Revised' - Live and learn is my motto!

Thank you very much also to Chrise, Skyewalker, Rossim, Dorrien,
Seamus and Paul (merci, mon chou!) for your votes - They
are greatly appreciated.

and last but not least, thank you BBM and Rosalind for setting
the word and for hosting - By the way, a fascinating clip Ros!
(Somehow, I think it's your own choice ???)

See you all next week, with, I hope, a good word!
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17th February 2018, 00:36
Congratulations to Pigale and thanks to BBM2 and Rosalind for hosting.
Thanks also to Pigale, Dorrien and Stevea for the mentions.
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17th February 2018, 00:38
I understand why you thought I had chosen the clip, pigale, but it was actually Marty.

I knew someone who had a pet crow called Chips (really!)

Microchips (say it!)
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17th February 2018, 04:14
Very well done P and thanks for the work Ros!
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17th February 2018, 07:46
Congrats Pigale. Thanks AB for the vote and Paul for the mention.

Thanks BBM2 and rosalind. Great clip. (If the crow was so clever, though, why didn't it just look around for a suitable stick?)
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