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14th February 2018, 14:47
If you suspend a chain from the tops of two poles, the shape in which it hangs is a mathematical curve called a catenary. Without knowing the equation of such a curve, if you suspend a 200-foot-long chain between two 100-foot-tall poles, how far apart do the poles need to be in order for the middle of the chain to barely touch the ground?
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14th February 2018, 15:18
The Poles need to be touching each other .

chain down 100Ft and chain back up 100Ft = 200Ft of chain.

Therefore no distance between the poles.
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14th February 2018, 15:19
Is this a trick question? If the chain is 200 ft long the middle of the chain is 100 ft from each end. If the 2 poles are 100 ft long then the distance would appear to be zero.
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14th February 2018, 15:48
That was my deduction too!
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15th February 2018, 18:32
I'm not sure if you were setting us a problem or wanted to solve the problem yourself.
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15th February 2018, 18:37
The weakest link!
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