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4th February 2018, 23:09
Hello all,
I think I have completed the puzzle but am looking for help parsing the following 5 clues from today’s Sunday Times crossword and would be grateful for some enlightenment.
11a. Old-fashioned hairstyle worn by Fifties youth (5) D?T?D. I am thinking DATED as a synonym for old-fashioned, but I don't see the hairstyle or the Fifties Youth reference.
13a. Spread on plate for Goldilocks? (9) B?T?E?C?P. I think it is buttercup. - butter for spread and plate = cup, but not sure how buttercup refers to Goldilocks.
9d. Spooner's engineer used leg to hurt gatecrasher in bed. (8) ?N?T?E?D I have put in KNOTWEED which I think refers to the gatecrasher in bed (flowerbed). not sure of the spoonerism - Kneed for used leg to hurt but as for the engineer - is it Wot / Watt, inventor of steam engine?
16d. Rehearsal of first part of play in Priest’s church (8) P?A?T?C?; I have guessed practice. I see CE for Church of England, ACT I (act one) could be “first part of play”; is PR an abbreviation for Pastor = Priest?
21d Judge eating doctor’s roll (6) ?U?B?E this looks like TUMBLE = roll, MB = bachelor of medicine = doctor, but not seeing the judge reference, can someone help?
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4th February 2018, 23:22
11a DA (Ducks Arse was a hair style Teddy Boys had)
Ted was short for Teddy boy (fifties youth)

DA Ted
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4th February 2018, 23:22
11a TED /teddy boy ...50's youth
13a colour of her hair perhaps?
9d yes what you have is good
16d yes again
21d rumble
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4th February 2018, 23:26
16 Pr is an abv for priest. The rest is correct
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4th February 2018, 23:29
thank you Shooty and Scarlett!
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4th February 2018, 23:29

read further and you will see it's called the DA
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5th February 2018, 07:36
I too cannot parse knotweed. I got rumble instead of tumble: rule = judge
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5th February 2018, 07:50
9. I'm not usually good with Spoonerisms, but I just took this as Watt Kneed, as mentioned earlier. Watt, engineer and Kneed, used leg to hurt. WattKneed to Knotweed seems fine.
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7th February 2018, 16:48
I puzzled over the definition of 9d too. Turns out Goldilocks is a species of buttercup also known as the Greenland buttercup.
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