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4th February 2018, 11:51

No, you haven't entered a time warp - I was just wondering if anyone who did this crossword, got the issue with the solution. I didn't feel hugely inclined to continue buying it for weeks in the hope of getting the answer to 28D

The country is home to every son and daughter of the soil (6)

There were 2 contenders for the correct answer - Russia and
Rustic. Does anyone know which it was?
I would be grateful to know.
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4th February 2018, 12:01
I've seen this answered as Russia but I can't parse it!
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4th February 2018, 16:30
Rustic won the prize!?
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4th February 2018, 16:41
I can't parse that either!
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4th February 2018, 23:39

Thank you, Samuel and Rossim,
I'm not sure which one I opted for in the end. But that is me
done with this most infuriating of crosswords. It really is
unspeakable. The compiler - Rosebud - needs to have his/her
contract terminated.
That particular clue is not the worst.
On occasion clues have been made up of graphics, lines going in
any direction, circles of letters etc.

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