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30th January 2018, 22:10
Thanks all . . Well done

I actually put 'snakebird in her art' into my anagram-maker without success . . will have to get a better one

One to go . .

Obviously the toughest if you folk haven't yet solved it
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30th January 2018, 22:43
Hannah, this is a guess, just.
There is a bird called "Trumpet manucode".
POTUS would be Trump, but I can not make sense of the rest, I'm afraid!
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30th January 2018, 23:50
G'Day Russ . .

I think you've cracked it

MANUCODE is an anagram of 'cameodun(s)'

'appearance under the fig tree' would be a reference to habitat / diet . .
I presume

Can't work out where the 'et' comes from though

I was going down the "BUSH Track" . . so to speak

Well done in solving what I regard as a VERY tough one
13 of 15  -   Report This Post


31st January 2018, 00:23
Hello, Hannah!
Well, if I have helped you a wee bit, that's fine!
Yes, I see the "Bush" connection!
But I went for the present POTUS, Mr Trump!
Good luck with the rest of your puzzle!
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31st January 2018, 05:23
Ta, Russ

: )
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