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29th January 2018, 15:46
I'd much appreciate an explanation of the word play on the following clue:

2d Stays in Scotland, on the Borders (7) R?S?D?S

I'm fairly confident the answer is RESIDES (Stays) and can see that Borders may relate to SIDES, but failing to see remainder of the word play.

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29th January 2018, 15:52
On- is re (regarding)
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29th January 2018, 15:54
Yes, thank you, but what part does Scotland have to play in the clue?
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29th January 2018, 15:54
Stays in Scotland means resides according to Chambers
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29th January 2018, 16:13
Thanks again, I've now looked in my Chambers 12th edition, where it does indicate under stay 1: to live, dwell (Scot and S Afr).
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