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ann - bristol

13th January 2018, 19:47
1) these succulent plants with rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves are part of Overbeck's tropical collection
5 letters

M ? ? ? S

The M has the clue The trust's new Valleys to ???????? shopping range is inspired by natural colours and textures, such as rock lichen, sea foam and gorse 9 letters which I have the answer Homelines but can not clarify this on websites

2) Trees, towers and attics are among the many trust places that shelter a bat ?????

5 letters
R ? ? ? T

is it roost but it might affect the 1st clue

Thank you
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13th January 2018, 20:09
bat roost looks good
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13th January 2018, 20:45
It looks like it's "Valleys to Headlands", so #1 may be Aloes?
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ann - bristol

14th January 2018, 06:53
Thank you - headlands makes more sense than the clue I had and therefore as you suggest Aloes fits
Have a good weekend
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14th January 2018, 19:34
^ ^
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