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13th January 2018, 21:35
Unclued - neither do I. Which leaves us with INNAL, doesn't it?
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13th January 2018, 21:39
There is only one N in the clue answer.
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13th January 2018, 21:45
Ah yes. Told you I was dim. But thanks for pointing out my miscalculation.

Will I kick myself over 2dn as well?
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13th January 2018, 23:51
Thanks smartie and saoralba.

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14th January 2018, 04:31
Do you think you could give me hints on the crossword puzzle? I’m really stumped, but want to solve it.

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14th January 2018, 05:36
Saoralba, I'm not sure whether you should kick yourself over 2. If I've parsed it correctly I don't think it's a very satisfactory clue. It has nothing to do with the 'final answer' to be written below the grid. 'Answer' = A. I assume 'reversing final' means reversing two letters indicated by 'born', but as 'born' is part of a single word, not a separate element, I don't think it works very well; it really needs to be 'well born' for the cryptic to work in my opinion.

Amos19, you need to be a bit more specific. What progress have you made and what are you stuck on? If you are new to the Listener this isn't a particularly easy one to start with.
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14th January 2018, 06:47
Dryden, Saolraba, look at the final answer in the crossword itself - then everything is clear.
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14th January 2018, 07:57
"Arab" appears in 2 clues, wondering if there's a common thing to do with this word that I'm missing? Read your helpful hints re: 34a but don't see how it's an adjective. Adjective meaning Arab?

In general the uncertainty around answer lengths is giving me grief.
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14th January 2018, 08:30
Thanks, Gitto. As I said previously I often miss the obvious, and my explanation was plausible even if wrong, though the gender of the word for born would be inappropriate.
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14th January 2018, 08:46
Also look up the name in Chambers. Then no problem.
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