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11th January 2018, 23:49
Palm in sling without very fashionable bandaging 4

Class of fossils of right type sure to stagger university dons
Maybe an anagram? 10 ???y???r??

Exposition once close to name dropping over allowance 10
I have letters but not sure of any

Help greatly appreciated
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11th January 2018, 23:57
Anagram of ' R type sure' around U(niversity)
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12th January 2018, 01:08
Thank you mattrom any ideas about the other two?

Hi Brendan if you look in many apologies for not thanking you for your help previously, had some personals and completely forgot
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12th January 2018, 02:16
Hi Ludo, no problem. I'm stuck on the other ones I'm afraid. The closest I can get for the 'Exposition once close.....' is:-

Once close to = Near, with the N(ame) dropping from 1st letter to 2nd giving ENAR + RATION (Allowance).

On the plus side ENARRATION is a word that shares some definitions with Exposition but I really am not confident it's correct. What letters do you have, if any?
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12th January 2018, 02:25
Just found this on Google:-

Definition of enarration
plural -s
: a detailed exposition or description
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12th January 2018, 02:27
I meant to add that given it's cited as 'Archaic', that would account for the 'Once' part of the clue.
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12th January 2018, 12:14
Thanks Brendan was looking for something archaic and thought it was probably ration but not sure. Thanks again

Anybody have any ideas for the first one? Thanks
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