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4th January 2018, 22:35
No idea how many words or letters, but it's the name of a movie.
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4th January 2018, 22:36
Is there a film called Ranking?
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4th January 2018, 22:39
Not that I could find...!
I thought of that, too, when I read the clue earlier on another thread!
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4th January 2018, 22:42
It might be a movie called RAN. Here is the synopsis:
'In Medieval Japan, an elderly warlord retires, handing over his empire to his three sons. However, he vastly underestimates how the new-found power will corrupt them and cause them to turn on each other...and him'. Does that sound like Lear?
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4th January 2018, 23:07
Yes, I think you are correct, Jamek.
According to Wikipedia, the film "Ran" is an adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear"
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5th January 2018, 08:48
Thank you jamek and elle, undoubtedly correct!
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