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2nd January 2018, 21:19
Love to get this finished but stuck with a few

12d putting up a fight creates sin and is sometimes futile.
r_s_s____e (10 letters)

13d raising the crowd's noise level.
u_r_a_ (6 letters)

14d you need finer feet for warm weather training on this island. t_n_r____ (9 letters) thought is was Tenerife but short a letter.

87a The whole world sounds like it's in a state of this, even if it's framing the car. _h_s_i_ (7 letters)

Thanks for any help.
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2nd January 2018, 21:26
12d RESISTANCE (Anag. of Creates + Sin)


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2nd January 2018, 21:28
12 resistance
Anagram "creates sin", and is futile against Vogon Guards (nice clue)

13 uproar?
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2nd January 2018, 21:30
teneriffe? (alternative spelling?
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2nd January 2018, 21:34
Re 87a, I can't make sense of the first part of the clue so maybe wait for confirmation from someone else.
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2nd January 2018, 21:50
That is great. Appreciate the help.

Few more for ye.

37d El Qatar Club will go to court for a game _____e_b__l (11 letters)

10d put sage into the background u_s_a_e (7 letters) thinking this is upstage

80d practiced in the ring __a_r__ (7 letters) thought it was sparring but too long

53a pat applied red dye in the saddle? E____y (6 letters)

113a you'll find they are at home in lord's _i_d_e___ (9 letters)

Thanks again
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2nd January 2018, 21:50
87 surely must be CHASSIS, but I'm not seeing the parsing either. "odd" rather than "even" "it's" would give the last IS, though....
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2nd January 2018, 21:52
37 racquetball (anagram)
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2nd January 2018, 21:52
I agree with Brendan.


noun - the skeleton of a motor vehicle consisting of a steel frame supported on springs that holds the body and motor
a metal mounting for the circuit components of an electronic device
alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"

The whole World (as in the Human Race) Has a body (Chassis)

And every car has a Chassis.
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2nd January 2018, 21:55
37d RACQUETBALL (Anag. of El + Qatar + Club)

10d Yes (Anag. of Put + Sage)
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