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2nd January 2018, 00:13

25 Star - Wish upon a star
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2nd January 2018, 00:13

53A If fixd on the 25th.........
45D and 49D run across 53A They are:

45D Santa keeps his team in check....... (5,2) I have REINS IN.
The I of REINS is the I of 53A

What's this then? 12.25 Stateside and not a kid in bed. I have CHRISTMAS DAY. The H of CHRISTMAS is the H of 53A.

I hope that helps
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2nd January 2018, 00:18

Thanks again, Mamya. And to Shooty for his patience! And Rusty.

You are all amazing! Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all of you.
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2nd January 2018, 00:19
Happy New Year and good luck with the crossword.x
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