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27th December 2017, 22:49
Hi Chrise Best wishes to you and yours for the coming year. ( Did I tell you that I won the Jumbo a few months back. (NO good trying again as lightning never strikes twice in the same place) Cheers Thea disguised as Penda!!!!!
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28th December 2017, 07:14
Very happy new year to both of you! Congratulations on your win.
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28th December 2017, 12:19
Hello Penda !

I eavesdropped on your conversation with Chrise. I too won the cryptic Jumbo a few months back and posted a question about another win soon after or whether they would recognise the name and pick a different one out of the hat. Someone replied that (s)he had had two wins in quick succession, so the lightning can strike twice - so keep at it!
I wish you future success

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28th December 2017, 22:01
Hi crossray I am a RAY too!!!! ( middlename)

I wonder how many entries they get for the Jumbo. And as for repeats they couldnt give the book bundle twice in a few weeks--- could they?
Another interesting point do they assume that all entries are correct I suppose they are!!!!
I was surprised to get my bundle It came without warning or senders name. But you get your name in very small print alongside the solution. Fame at last!!!

We live in mid Northumberland Above the WALL Below the BORDER
Apparently Snow tomorrow. BTW Ex Parson (C of E)
All the best for 2018 Penda
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29th December 2017, 09:43
Some of my folks came from Haydon Bridge (when the old church was in use) and Corbridge. They were cloggars!
Well done for your win.
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