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27th December 2017, 21:18
Hello Ari Yes I'm still around though much less on the forum-- Must have other things pressing. ( BTW For Penda read THEA).
Mrs T and I were talking and remembered you. We hope you all had a Happy Christmas free from snow which is forecast for here Thurs/ Fri. We wish you a Good and peaceful New Year. From T & T alias P & P
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27th December 2017, 21:49
Hello, and best to you and the long-suffering Mrs. We had a few inches of snow on Christmas morning, and there had been a terrible ice storm Friday night so there was quite a mess. It's going to be below 0 F (-18 C) for at least eight nights, with highs in the single digits for several days. It's FREEZING right now. Got through Christmas though- extra choral and instrumental rehearsals, etc., very time-consuming but performances were quite good, I think (some challenging stuff).

NYC is expecting its coldest New Year's Eve in history, and I'm assuming that Boston will be even chillier! We haven't had a real summer in many years, but at the end of every month the National Weather Service tells us it was the warmest month ever recorded. I no longer believe a word they say. They're cooking the books.
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