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27th December 2017, 11:11
9 Across, Facing work, American writer grabs seat (8)

10 Across, Tax-payer behind goes half-concealed to court (8)

11 Across, 18 silence Irish extremists (6) {18 ACROSS = WINE}

13 Across, Domestic academic,actually 18 (10)

Compiler - SCORPION

Many Thanks
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27th December 2017, 11:21
9 Opposite, facing - Op, work, Poe, American write and Sit, seat.

13 Across maybe needs you to tell us about 18?
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27th December 2017, 11:23
Sorry, Diablos, I see you mentioned 18 in the other connected clue!
13 Chardonnay - wine. .
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27th December 2017, 11:27
13 is Char, domestic + Don, academic + Nay, actually (I had to check the last in Chambers, it can mean 'in point of fact').
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27th December 2017, 11:32
11 Shiraz - Sh, silence +Ira + I don't know about the Z!
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27th December 2017, 11:49
18a: shiraz-= wine(def)
Could this be parsed as
sh - silence
IR - irish
AZ - extremists (of the alphabet)?
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david w

27th December 2017, 12:14
I have 10A as ASSESSEE: that is ASS (go)ES SEE. (The i setters seem to like Americanisms.)
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27th December 2017, 12:28
Thanks for that, David, I'd been mulling 10 A over and came up with nothing.

Elle, that's a possible parsing for Shiraz. I don't do that crossword often enough to know how the setter's mind works!
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27th December 2017, 12:37
I don't do that Xword at all, Malone...unless someone asks for help on here!
It was the only solution I could see that would explain the "z".
Maybe someone will come with a better answer.......
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