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25th December 2017, 23:29
Extra letter in the wordplay is T
22a Process fat (3) S?E looks like sue from sue(T)
but does sue = process??
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25th December 2017, 23:40
(to) Sue is a legal process - so looks good.
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26th December 2017, 13:05
Thanks mamya
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26th December 2017, 15:34
35d Mohammedan accepts type of rule from chapel prayer (5)
shEma or shAma. (extra letter is i)
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26th December 2017, 15:35
must be shema .. a jewish prayer...but how does it parse please?
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26th December 2017, 21:34
Mohammedan = Shia. Type of rule = em (as in printing). Drop the i.
Can you help me with 10a? I'm happy with the crossing down clues, except that they make 10a a tad odd.
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27th December 2017, 00:05
alterne ... a neighbouring but different plant group... H was the i suppose (H)alt / arrest + erne (predatory bird)
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27th December 2017, 21:17
Virtually finished but frustratingly can't solve 2 clues. The wordplay in each leads to the answer plus an additional letter:

36d - 'Local speaker to rage about hollow feedback' (6). I have PK?LT. I know something is wrong somewhere with the adjoining answers but cant see what it is...

33a - 'Divine power ahead of first letter to Corinthians?' (7). Possibly an extra C in the wordplay. I have ??RESE?. (I know this question has been asked before in this thread).

Any help much appreciated!
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27th December 2017, 21:57
I have 33a now (can't completely parse it though...)
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28th December 2017, 06:50
I too have PK*LT. I have parsed it to my satisfaction, but it seems to be a non-word. Help, Please.
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