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26th November 2017, 11:44

This is drected to those who have completed. I have WG, JH, IVA, as indicated by chat below. AS no idea Also have Everton, but don't see how he could fit in the pattern. And I assume that DI is not one of them.
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26th November 2017, 12:43
Woodlouse, your first 3 are correct, though I should emphasise for the sake of other readers that you have supplied only the initials of the given names in each instance.

You're also correct that DIG isn't part of the highlighting. Do you mean Everton as in one of the 3 Ws ? I don't see how you get that.

AGS is the surname which is also a common alloy, mostly of iron. And the last name is a current SA player. First name Dean.
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26th November 2017, 13:16
I'm miles behind and although I have finished the grid,(except for 10 Across), I still haven't worked out all the misprints etc. I have 13 misprints or missed letters in the Acrosses, and 16 in the Downs. Can anyone help me along ? Or is that asking too much ?!
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26th November 2017, 13:52
samovar - I'm in a similar position. I've completed the grid and identified 27 misprinted letters and 9 missing letters but, apart from two words at the beginning and one towards the end, my 'statement' reads like gobbledygook. I've double-checked all my letters and only found one that I needed to change so I'm a bit stumped at the moment.

10a was my LOI and there's a word in the clue that I can't parse.
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26th November 2017, 13:55
As you were, I've reread the preamble and had missed something. Silly me!!
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26th November 2017, 14:29
You're well ahead of me, simond9x ! I think the misprints I am missing in the Acrosses must include 10, 17, 19 and 30, 44 and more. Any extra help most gratefully received !
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26th November 2017, 14:44
You certainly need Chambers for these! I'll try not to give too much away.

For 10a, I assume you have the first 2 letters. Try Chambers with a ? in the 3rd position of the answer. One of the (more obscure) options should spring out and lead you to the letter you need. As I say, there's also a word in the clue that I've no idea about.

17 was one of my last letters. I knew what letter I needed it to be (from the letters before and after) so I played around with one of the words in the clue until Chambers confirmed one of them.

19 - you've got the answer so there's really only one word left which could give you your letter. Look up your answer in Chambers in relation to the word in the clue.

30 - Chambers 2nd definition should help

44 - Chambers 3rd definition should help

Hope those are 'vague' enough!
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26th November 2017, 15:29
Re 10a, I don't see the need for 'was' in the clue. The word is not marked as obsolete or archaic in Chambers. The wordplay is a word for a large tuna minus an A and four letters meaning 'middle'.

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26th November 2017, 15:42
Ha! You're absolutely correct, Dryden. I have the correct answer but parsed it differently (and wrongly). I thought only the last 3 words were the wordplay, the last 2 letters coming from a cricketing abbreviation. So I was left wondering what on earth 'tuna' had to do with anything. I should know how precise the cluing is.
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26th November 2017, 15:49
Thank you very much, simond9x. I did laugh at my stupidity when I spotted the misprint in 30 Across, and then had to revise my answer for 10 Across (amid more laughter) when I saw Dryden's explanation. So thank you to Dryden too. I'm afraid I still need help with 17 and 19. I don't understand the "19c" at the beginning of 19. I have the anagram for 17 but can't work out the misprint and for 19 there was only one word that fitted. I understand the answer to 44 but misprint ?
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