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19th November 2017, 19:26
Thanks malone.
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19th November 2017, 20:19
Likewise the same dilemma with flic. I have looked in Chambers, OED and the Encarta World Dictionary to no avail.
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19th November 2017, 20:30
I have to tried to get the player's name.
No success yet.
Is this an English player?

What is the first letter?

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19th November 2017, 20:32
It's not a player we're looking for. The others are all....
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19th November 2017, 23:47
sunray ... it's EV ...usual place for highlighting is ..... and he is 6 letters
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19th November 2017, 23:58
Thanks kirky.
Being outside of BBC broadcast area, I had never heard of all of these folks who were/are experts on sports.

Your hint made me look in the usual spot and found John, OBE.
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20th November 2017, 00:00
Thanks malone.
Your hint moved me a little further but still not close enough.
Would have asked for help on Monday but kirky came to the rescue.
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20th November 2017, 09:58
I have completed the grid and found the surname in the grid. I, too, am not happy with 'flic' for 27ac.
I still have 2 of the 8 surnames to find (not that it really matters...). Is 'wangle' extra in 31ac?
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20th November 2017, 10:05
Haha it's happened again - I see the answer as soon as I post a question on here. Yes - 'wangle' is extra. Just one more surname to find now...
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20th November 2017, 18:17
I've finished the grid and got the highlighting, but I couldn't find two of the surnames in the extra words. Their specialist fields are not my favourites so I might not know of them.

Can anyone tell me if I'm looking at the correct words, without telling me the names please?

My possibilities are Australian, unsolvable and bones - the last one seems unlikely though.

Thank you.
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