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11th November 2017, 14:38
Hints please.
Clues are in alphabetical order.
Some clues lack definition.

These two start with B or C.

People with common ancestor German Saint (8)

Act of fixing cape perplexing Cockney (8)

Next could begin with N or O

Food bank almost goes bust (7)

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11th November 2017, 14:42
People with... this is a 'lacks definition' clue.

Act of fixing... the abbreviation for Cape followed by a slang/Cockneyesque word for 'perplexing' (involving the usual dropped letter in Cockney terms').

Food bank... another 'lacks definition' clue.
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11th November 2017, 14:43
For 'People... ' break it into three parts. One is 'people with common ancestor', the next is a usual way of putting German, the third is a usual way of putting Saint.
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11th November 2017, 14:48
thanks Malone..

I have left grid 80 per cent filled. Right barely.
Will be back, I am sure.
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11th November 2017, 14:50
I had the left grid totally filled before I got past the 10% mark with the right!
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11th November 2017, 16:02
Please can you help with the slang word for perplexing..
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11th November 2017, 16:08
Jogamel, it's not a very common word (well, I've not seen it used very often, but it's listed/defined in Chambers). The word can also mean 'to walk awkwardly, to walk with short, unsteady steps.'
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11th November 2017, 16:12
Almost done.
Had no knowledge of the right side undefined words or the unclueds.

Parsing questions:

1. Food bank almost goes bust (7)

The answer does not seem to have anything to do with the name
in the right grid?

2. What undervalued employees could want from discussion groups (6)

The crossing letters gave me the answer but do not understand the parsing

3. Office is about to acquire computing equipment (4)
The answer seems to be two letter abbrev. for computing equipment inside two letter word for about. But office?

Explanations appreciated.

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11th November 2017, 16:16
3 Office as in churchy stuff, sacrament, I think.

1. An anagram of most (almost) of two words in the clue. I don't think it links to the name.

2. What would an undervalued employee want? Say it aloud (from discussion) and you'll get 'groups'.
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11th November 2017, 16:18
For 1, Chambers gives 'food' as a definition of the answer.
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