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5th November 2017, 10:40
Stuck on the last few (some may have single letter misprint in definition)
1 across: We hear timber is what's required (5) ??R??
13 across: Imagined pagan got dog pursuing child's mother (7) ??H??N? (probably starts with M)
11 down: Flattered a group of OAP educationists (6) SO?KE? - I'm pretty sure it's souked but need the word play explaining.
38 down: Frighten underdeveloped parrot-wrasse? (4) ST??
Thanks in advance
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5th November 2017, 10:45
At last I can help instead of asking for it. There is a clash in 11 down. Flattered is the definition, and a group suggests the word is there for you to see.
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5th November 2017, 11:00
If I'm correct.
13 is a two letter word for mother followed by a five letter word for a dog giving a pagan name as the answer.
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5th November 2017, 11:05
13a is soaped
38 is scar
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5th November 2017, 11:06
1a is would
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5th November 2017, 12:25
Thank you all. My 18across is from the Vatican - is that right? So my last one is 32 down: Gay American politician leaving powerful and ruthless person (4) NE?N
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5th November 2017, 12:48
yes tour vatican one is correct ... the P comes from the clash and makes 18a one of the 10 themed,
32d correction > GAS not gay so the answer is neon
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5th November 2017, 12:50
Thank you all - enjoy the rest of Sunday!
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