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14th June 2010, 17:11
Oh no! Should I have given a clue... instead of the whole answer?
Sorry - I'll try to be a bit more cryptic next time!

PS: Jim C - my Norfolk 'claim to fame' is seeing Stephen Fry in Swaffham, as he was filming Kingdom!
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14th June 2010, 17:20
Back from mowing and, yes, Blondie has given the answer. This just shows the power of local knowledge, as my answer for no.6 was entirely wrong anyway (it was "Puddledock" on the basis that someone might say of rain "it's puddling it down" and a dock is sort of "terra firma" for people disembarking from a ship).

So sorry for my misleading waffle & wasting your time.

Good luck.
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14th June 2010, 17:28
No worries Jim C. Do not let that muddle put you off.
Blondie - always grateful of either a straight answer or a clue whichever you are prepared to give.
Maybe I need to search further into your local knowledge.
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14th June 2010, 18:54
1 The bells seemed to say "Turn again"
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14th June 2010, 20:49
Thanks mamya, got that from your clue
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15th June 2010, 22:56
Here is an answer for you Jean
14. Beckham
I am finding these places very hard to fathom out, still need quite a few more.
31. No storm here (7)
35. Chinese river is of importance (8)
36, A sailors heaven of wine, women and song (8,5)
38. A smelly home for leo

Jean or anyone please help if you can
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16th June 2010, 09:14
Hi again Simone.

No.38 ... At the risk of being completely wrong again, there is a 7-letter place in Norfolk, last letter 'n'. The first syllable sounds like a term for any bird used for food or hunting.

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16th June 2010, 13:03
Hi Jim C
Thanks for struggling on with my questions.
Am not getting there with your clue at moment, due I presume you are leading me to the word game. Was thinking the last bit would be lion or something like that.
Please expand if possible
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16th June 2010, 13:36
Hi again.

re: 38.

7-letter word, last letter 'n'.
Two syllables.
First syllable (4 letters) = another word for 'smelly'. It also means something for which red or yellow card might be given in football.
Second syllable (3 letters) = 'home for leo/lion'.

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16th June 2010, 15:48
Hi Jim C
Got it now from your further easier clue ,thanks very much.A long way from being complete but these are the only ones that I have left to find that have not been asked by Jean or myself (still need most of those)
6a) Victoria's date turned (9)
25. Fabric for the P.C (6,9) presuming second word is Constable but can only find a place called Melton Constable. but may be on wrong track completely.
27. Cereal with sugar (10)

Bet you will not want to go to Norfolk for your hols. after this Jim C

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