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7th June 2010, 15:29
10 ac is one with a word missing, an it's a homophone. Dicky is in the sense of "I've got a dicky ticker"
5 d took me a while - you won't find it in Chambers. I's the name of a trading house. There is an extra word of 4 letters in the clue.
7d has an extra word too. Without that it's wuite straightforward - name given to a ship; "wine, craft" back to front.
Hope this helps
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7th June 2010, 15:57
Only just found out what a trading house is, but I still can't work it out. I always seem to find Brummie difficult. I've got Dicky and you confirmed what I had thought for the ship. I presume elastic is the anagram of the missing words? Haven't worked out the counterpart for the redundant ones.
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7th June 2010, 16:22
Down to one now (24A).

But how do you know which spelling to use in 10A - with the E or the A?
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7th June 2010, 16:27
24A - An anagram of the word from 5D is the normal part of the clue, but why is "speed that enthrals I" the rest of it? Is speed bat?
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7th June 2010, 16:52
I would say it is WEEK, as presumably the word 'said' comes after Dicky. I.e. time is the definition.
AJT seems to have gone offline. Still can't get the trading house - 5D.
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7th June 2010, 16:58
Sorry Clevertask - I've been at another machine - ewing. 10 ac - I thought "Time, said Dicky" you think "Time Dicky said". I used a, take your pick.
Now the house. Here's a clue. Was it one of Dickens with Dotheboys Hall. Play with that - there I've given it to you.
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7th June 2010, 17:02 the elastic. Be careful with it - I didn't have the c, but I don't know if I'm right or not. With some of the words there is more than one anagram.
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7th June 2010, 17:04
You are absolutely right - it is completely ambiguous.
I am so slow today...
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7th June 2010, 17:09
So, any help with 24A?

Is speed somehow a synonym for bat?
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7th June 2010, 17:09
Not a very pleasing puzzle. Too many possibilities with the anagrams. I think that a good puzzle is one where you know when you've finished that you've got it right, and you don't with this one - with 15 ac there seem to be several words that fit. I wonder what K makes of it - if he does this one.
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