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1st April 2017, 10:27
Finished, I think, but some of the parsings were difficult to work out. I'm left with one that I haven't parsed, probably because of lack of knowledge of Greek composers!

7d Orb nicked from the famous Greek composer raised in European capital (6)

I can only find one word that fits, and it is a European capital, but I have no idea of the parsing. Any hints?
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1st April 2017, 10:35
Hi ChrisE - I'm in same boat as you. Googled Greek composers to no effect.
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jack aubrey

1st April 2017, 10:37
Famous greek (think films) minus 'orb' plus 4 letter composer (a serialist) reversed.
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1st April 2017, 10:38
Thanks jack aubrey - I see it now
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1st April 2017, 10:41
Just spotted another only partly parsed - 9a
Since it needs milk, sort leaves for tea (5)
I have the "since" and the answer, but the "it needs milk, sort" needs to give me three letters that I'm not seeing
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1st April 2017, 10:52
it = sex appeal

m(ilk) milk less ilk (sort)
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1st April 2017, 10:54
Thanks stumped - that makes it the most obscure in an obscure lot!
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1st April 2017, 13:56
Take a famous Greek in literature, and remove "orb" from it. Follow that by a composer's name, upside down.
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1st April 2017, 14:13
Thanks ohcelt, but did you not see jack aubrey @3?
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1st April 2017, 23:21
I've got one I don't know and one I can't parse. 2d: top features in magazine for British high flyer. T?M ?E?K? And 8d: Last of twelve, always standing in order. ?E?R?E Looks like a synonym for Order that would have a C in it but I can't see why.
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