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30th March 2017, 08:40
Orders family to include great uncle first. (11)

Re gu lations
11 of 46  -   Report This Post

seamus, ayrshire

30th March 2017, 09:51
One for the SNP:

Hail Sturgeon! Cockney brews codes (11)

Anagrind = brews
Anagram fodder = 'AIL STURGEON (Cockney version of "Hail Sturgeon")
Definition = codes
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seamus, ayrshire

30th March 2017, 09:57
... and one for the Brexiteers:

Pour urine at logs for the EU ones (11)

Anagrind = pour
Angram fodder = urine at logs
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seamus, ayrshire

30th March 2017, 10:07
Decrees that lone guitars play (11)

Anagrind = play
Anagram fodder = LONE GUITARS
Definition = decrees
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30th March 2017, 12:01
I was just about to vote (and wondering where everyone is), when I realised it's still only Thursday!
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30th March 2017, 14:35
Acts of sex involving a humpback - not for a beginner (11)

sex = relations
hump = lug
beginner = l
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30th March 2017, 14:43
Rules got in a complete turmoil. (11)

Rules got in a = fodder
Anagrind = complete turmoil.
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30th March 2017, 18:40
Code of conduct for family hiding sawn-off weapon (11)

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30th March 2017, 21:50
Bill's mob outback eats grub, oddly (11)

RE g(r)u(b) LATIONS
MOB is used by the aborigines to refer to extended family or tribe.
For the grammarians - eat or eats?

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30th March 2017, 23:16
Majority of largest union broke rules (11)

Fodder: largest unio(n)
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