...which is a piece by Bach. Given that the occasional non-crossword quiz query appears on this site, I'm asking a quiz question of my own: which band/group (late 60s/early 70s) recorded this to the sound of bleating sheep?
On the face of it that seems a possible, however. "Sheep" from the "Animals" album wasn`t released until 1977. It makes no reference to Bach, but does nod to George Orwell and indeed the 23rd Psalm.Also the claim to the music is by Roger Waters.
No, not Floyd. I think this was one of those 'Bonzo Dog' style bands but with 'semi-classical' musicians. They were featured as one of the 'crazy clips' at the end of Room 101.
I'm using way too many quotation marks these days...
The Temperance Seven had a song called Shepherd of the Hills, cannot remember it though, but they were semi classical musicians who did innovative recordings