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26th May 2010, 10:25
Grid complete, but can anyone shed light on the final part:-
Highlight 3-letter word (via 2 knights' moves in approximately relevant direction)that describes the thematic situation.
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26th May 2010, 11:16
There is a thread on this crossword in which might be of use to you? Too hard for me I'm afraid!
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26th May 2010, 12:53
not doing this but...

if you know your starting point

The knight moves to the nearest square not on the same rank, file, or diagonal. In other words, the knight moves two squares like the rook and then one square perpendicular to that. Its move is not blocked by other pieces, i.e. it leaps to the new square. The knight moves in an "L" or "7" shape (or either shape inverted) with two steps one direction, a 90° turn, and one step in the new direction.
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