Hi steve, sorry for the late reply, only just logged back in.
No, it didn't run like the PR or Clueless, I would create the puzzle and then ask who wanted to be in that month, then I would divide the amount of words in the grid by the amount of persons interested and, for instance, if the grid had 60 words and there was 20 people involved, they would all be sent 3 words each via email, then over a few days, they would send me their clues and then we'd exchange a series of emails with suggestions and questions about the clues until all were happy with their compilations, then I would format the puzzle and allocate each compiler their own letter to determine who wrote which clues (you will see this if you download them)
Why it worked so well was that each person involved only knew their own clues and words when I published it on the forum, so, in the example above saying there was 60 clues from 20 people all owning 3 of their own clues each, then they would all have 57 unsolved clues to go at. Then it was etiquette to not disclose any answers for a couple of days so as to give time for each to have a go at completing it, then we would start to ask for hints and then after all the hints and possible answers were exhausted we'd have a feedback thread that would question some of the (questionable) clues and give affirmations to the more skillful and crafty wordplays, which there were many. I made many of the grids thematic with one of my favourites being a May special involving 5 interlocked grids which was quite a labour intensive undertaking, but enjoyable.
I was studying at the time and working as a volunteer so had time on my hands, however, when I became employed full time, I just didn't have enough hours in the day anymore.