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16th April 2016, 10:27
I have two left. Any hints, please?

26a Investigator's ploy involving hollow cats and dogs? Hardly? (8)

24a Strike a light! (4)

There is an obvious answer to this one, but I don't see how it works (unless Shed has made a mistake).
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16th April 2016, 10:31
The obvious answer to 24 A...just means both bits in the clue, 'strike' and 'a light' - but it seems very/too obvious!
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16th April 2016, 10:34
26a cats and dogs refers to raining hard
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16th April 2016, 10:38
24 means to hit someone, especially in the face.
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16th April 2016, 10:39
Thanks malone and SDL

The obvious answer doesn't mean "strike" according to my Chambers, but it would if the last letter were dropped.
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16th April 2016, 10:43
Thanks too, rossim.

Still not seeing the other one. Which part is the definition?
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16th April 2016, 10:46
Chrise, the 'strike' definition is in my Chambers, the 12th edition.
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16th April 2016, 10:49
I keep saying I need a new edition - I'll put it on my Christmas list!
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16th April 2016, 10:52
l*m* somebody The guy l*m*ed me.
l*m* somebody something I'd have l*m*ed her one!
Oxford Learners' Dictionary

Is it cos I is from the north? I did not think it was unusual
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16th April 2016, 10:57
It is a term that I'm familiar with too, although I'm a non-violent type from the south!
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