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lady bee

23rd March 2016, 12:51
63. As said previously, it begins with a colour. Look in Chambers.
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23rd March 2016, 14:38
Thanks felicity will work on those ,does 37 start with a J and 73 with an F ,got answers but not really convinced.
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23rd March 2016, 14:49
37 does not start with a J
Still struggling with 63 - Can't find any word that fits starting with yellow
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polly dee

23rd March 2016, 16:30
Nonplussed !! What do you do when you support a horse in a race ? You ---- it !! Look in The Big Red !! ( sorry, Chambers ) !!P
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23rd March 2016, 16:32
37 radio 4 show - kids often enjoy this before sleep
73 does start with f and old city is Ur
63 colour of a coward plus word for support (think horses) and look up in chambers - answer is a type of cheap 19th C novel
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23rd March 2016, 18:58
Please can I have some hints but no answers for

45 - am I looking for an author or book title? I have never heard of the Hilton Concept
53 - is the answer the name of a hero from a book?
62 - I assume I need to anagram aura and something else but not sure what
78 - does the first word start with a S?

Thanks in advance.
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lady bee

23rd March 2016, 19:05
45. You're looking for a book. Have you made an anagram of the first part?

53. Yes

62 aura and contempt

78. No. (well, at least not in my answer!)
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polly dee

23rd March 2016, 21:55
Oh dear !! My answer to 78 begins with S !!! P
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23rd March 2016, 22:12
Oh dear!! It's a shame so many people are struggling so much and needing so much help with so many answers. Maybe this site will give all the 'hints' needed before the closing date, it's only 9 weeks away.

PS. I am NOT the quiz police. I just feel very sorry for the setters of this fun, creative quiz. I also feel sorry for the solvers who've been battling away, enjoying the challenge, without help.
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lady bee

23rd March 2016, 22:17
Polly Dee - your answer may well be the right one and mine wrong. Have faith in yourself.
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