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14th April 2010, 17:05
19. Look up "bellows" in chambers
61. a person who is always cpmplaining.
62. Alf Garne`s name for his wife
79. Another name for a lozenge.
87. Anagram words 2 and 3 from "Georgian ram"
93. Can`t thing of a good clue for this one but the answer if SIFFLING.
11 of 14  -   Report This Post


14th April 2010, 19:05
Sorry for typo errors in 61 and 61 should read " 61. "complaining" and 62 Garnet`s
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15th April 2010, 11:45
Dear Lizzie you are a star. finished!! super extra clues Many thanks. I had siffling but googling didnt help.Siffle in dictionary but not siffling, presume it means noise made when snake shedding skin.Will return favour if I can at anytime.
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15th April 2010, 15:38
Dear Lizzyminto Glad to have been of help. Are you doing current Rainbow quiz? If so have you any other ideas on no.99 other than what has already been suggested? I have racked my brains but can come up with nothing other than what has been suggested.
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