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2nd January 2016, 16:27
Rang Tim?
6 down
Help, completely stuck on this I have a few letters but........
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2nd January 2016, 16:30
It's a "reverse anagram" sort of clue (if this helps)
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2nd January 2016, 16:33
Ummm just had another look and.........
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2nd January 2016, 17:57
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2nd January 2016, 17:59
April, please don't give actual solutions for Prize puzzles.
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2nd January 2016, 18:02
Is that now the rule??
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2nd January 2016, 18:08
......unwritten, naturally, mamya!

I do try to just give hints if I know that it's a prize puzzle. I (almost*) never send them in, but I can't think there would be much satisfaction in winning if some answers had been provided nhere.

*I have entered the RT Xmas one, as I quite fancied winning the prize and I did it all off my own bat.
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2nd January 2016, 18:12
I take your point but then prize puzzles are asked every day here - Times, Telegraph, FT Polymath and so on, it can be confusing for a member to know when they can and can't answer.
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2nd January 2016, 18:13
That should read 'When they should or shouldn't answer'
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2nd January 2016, 19:06
In general, yes, hints rather than full solutions. But sometimes there are really obscure words, such as the Z one in the Christmas alphabetical jigsaw. As a non-German speaker, and not even having a German dictionary, I was completely stuck. True, one could parse it once one had the answer, but I had not managed to do that until I did get it from the forum.

With regard to 6D, I have never heard that expression as an example of 7D. The second word, which is not itself clued, is the only one that will fit when all the crossing letters are filled in. It then seems to be a very subtle way to indicate that the first part is an anagram of Rang Tim, though one could guess that anyway.

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