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13th March 2010, 15:49
It is electrochemist - one of the contained anagrams. I've not made much headway with this either. 34 ac is spadefish, if that helps, and 38 ac is heavier, otherwise mine are short ones.
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13th March 2010, 16:26
electrochemist is good but where does the R in it come from - what is it an anagram (+ the extra letter) of?
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13th March 2010, 16:43
it's contained in the phrase "AcademiCHOSTILETOmERCEnary" as per the preamble. The extra letter is M. It is an anagram of those letters in capitals.
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13th March 2010, 16:57
Thanks for the explanation AJH - I'll now try to use that logic for some more clues which I suspect are anagrams
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13th March 2010, 16:59
Thanks for the explanation AJH - I'll now try to use that logic for some more clues which I suspect are anagrams
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14th March 2010, 00:03
AJT - just had another look and got 18a archibald (a gun) reCAL(L)BADHIRed
Have you got any more?
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14th March 2010, 08:18
I've got several - you may have some- Thanks for the gun. Helped me a lot, because I thereby had 16 d as alert. Here we go -
13 ac - rafter - r - rule, and after for concerning - normal clue.
19 ac vaporetto - pore in vat, and to for beside
27 ac doucet - contained anag, extra e
30 ac esne ditto extra a
38 ac heavier - hear for try, contains vie
17 d oppo contained anag extra u
2d hyaena contained anag extra r
25 d swag contained anag extra n
33 d chases (word for case, I find) contained anag extra n
30 d eschar contained anag extra e
31 d speedo contained anag extra l
Sorry if this is clumsy - just on my first cup of coffee! Let me know how you get on - long way to go.
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14th March 2010, 08:21
and I see I missed 15 ac - defector. contained anag extraa
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14th March 2010, 08:46
For Sudokulover. Thanks to your "archibald" I've got some more. I haven't yet got all the word play, but 7 d sems to be "running rigging" - Chambers gives "running" as lead.
12 ac doll's house - contained anag extraa
24 ac August - contained anag extra l
11 d aikido contained anag extra r
19 of 30  -   Report This Post


14th March 2010, 13:14
Hi AJT ! I don't want to spoil anyone's fun any more, but ...
4d the jumble is academi C HOSTILE T(o) MERCE nary
and 33d is thecae ... ni CE HEA(l)T hy
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