Hi, Rusty!
I am the reverse!
I hate carrying much cash about with me, so use my debit card for most payments.
I am not quite sure what you are asking, Rusty?
If your card is not working, I doubt you will be able to ask for cash back?
It may, though, be different at a supermarket till, from a hole-in -the -wall?
I do not know how the system works?
I am sure the Asda staff will be able to tell you that in the morning.
I think £50 is the maximum? but that might be wrong.......
That is the maximum I have ever asked for at Sainsbury's.
But I am sure if you have a problem with ready cash, your dentist will happily wait till you have your new card, and you can then pay your bill.
I hope you sort it out.
Still raining heavily here!