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4th March 2010, 15:15
answers are connected with Xmas food decorations presents etc
25)A boxer does this to his opponent
27)There are a lot of these in the clues
56)Gary ? (been in jail)
77) A type of hat

92 TAKEASBAP (anagram)
33 FOURHOLDSBLAME ( anagram)
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4th March 2010, 15:21
56 Glitter

92 Pasta Bake
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4th March 2010, 15:22
92 pasta bake
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4th March 2010, 15:24
25 Punch
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4th March 2010, 15:29
thank you rl & chrisg
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4th March 2010, 15:35
77. Pork Pie ??
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4th March 2010, 15:37
33. Shoulder of Lamb
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colin (swansea jack)

4th March 2010, 16:01
What about the party game charades.

"Charade" clues
Here the answer is formed by joining individually clued words to make a larger word (namely, the answer).

For example:

Outlaw leader managing money (7)
The answer is BANKING formed by BAN for "outlaw" and KING for "leader". The definition is "managing money". With this example, the words go next to each other in the clue as they do in the answer--it isn't specifically indicated. However, where the parts go in relation to others is sometimes indicated with words such as "against", "after", "on", "with" or (in a down clue) "above".
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4th March 2010, 16:19
Lights is the technical term for the answers to a croosword puzzle, so could you say there were plenty of (Christmas) lights - answers- to the clues, or is that stretching things toooo much
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