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colin (swansea jack)

1st March 2010, 20:58
Good evening,

Could you offer advice please?

Clue - Shaver's elevator reported (5) R _ _ _ R

I think its RAZOR (shaver) however I have a niggle that it could be RISER (elevator).

The middle letter comes from EQUALI(S)ING or EQUALI(Z)ING so could be an S or a Z.

What thinkest thou?
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1st March 2010, 21:02
well - a razor is a shaver and an elevatore is a raiser - I'd go with razor
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1st March 2010, 21:05
I think the clue says sounds like elevator but means shaver,so razor is right. It's usually the nearest word to the sounds like "indicator" that only sounds like rather than is the word you actually want. if you see what I mean.
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colin (swansea jack)

1st March 2010, 21:26
Thank you ixion and terry - RAZOR it is.

It's great to have such support and guidance at my finger ips.

I am most grateful to you both.
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