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silly boy

17th February 2010, 22:35
This site is now getting a bit silly ..... what's happening ?
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17th February 2010, 22:43
Don't worry Sillyboy. It's just that mad as a box of frogs bitch Dawn Cassie Laura et al in the grip of another bender. It's best to just ignore the poor demented cow.
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john (from arran)

17th February 2010, 22:44
Unfortunately there is no moderator on this forum and once posters start playing silly bu**ers it all descends to chaos. The best approach is to ignore such posters completely. They will eventually tire and go away if nobody responds. It usually happens on a Wednesday when the Daily Depress publishes the Crusader Crossword. That probably explains a lot.
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18th February 2010, 12:32
Just new here sorry to see some females causing stress hope it all settles
looking for Daily Record answer for quickstart crossword 31 down thanks
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colin (swansea jack)

18th February 2010, 13:36
Hi Mary,

Could you supply clue, total letters and any letters you have please as some of us do not have access to your crossword. Thanks.
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colin (swansea jack)

18th February 2010, 13:41
Hi Mary,

See you have posted clue, etc, on another thread.

Cream and curds have been suggested, my money would be on curds, see the verb - clabber on the dfinitions below.

Noun 1. clabber - raw milk that has soured and thickened
dairy product - milk and butter and cheese
Verb 1. clabber - turn into curds; "curdled milk"
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18th February 2010, 14:06
Yes I said cream on the other thread but curds looks to be correct...wasnt it Little Miss Muffet who was eating her Curds and Whey?...perhaps it should have been eating her Clabber and Whey!
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colin (swansea jack)

18th February 2010, 14:19
Absolutely chrisg - clabber and whey it is.

One of the unsolved mysteries of my childhood (I have an exceptionally long memory!) was whether the tuffet she sat on was

a tuffet - a tuft of grass
a tuffet - a low milking stool

I have always assumed that because of the curds and whey connection that it was a low milking stool but I have never been certain and it has scarred me for life!!!
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18th February 2010, 14:43
Tuffet for a stool gets my money, but there is also another meaning for is an English measurement of capacity ..a Tuffet equals 2 pecks or half a bushel...tis a sad life we lead sending out this stuff...what would we be doing had the internet not been invented?..crossword solving was a lot harder 20 years ago.
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18th February 2010, 15:25
There is no need for abusive language, is there?


... It's just that mad as a box of frogs bitch Dawn Cassie Laura et al in the grip of another bender. It's best to just ignore the poor demented cow.
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