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17th February 2010, 13:21
Trevor, you did not get me into bother with Yawn. I should learn to back off when I see certain posters, but ever the helpful type.
Never mind eh?

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17th February 2010, 13:36
I just couldn't see what her problem was although I apologise to her(and everyone else)for my use of language but not the sentiment, - I'd had a few to many,maybe she had too!
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17th February 2010, 13:46
trevor thought you and mamya handled yawn well sorry dawn.
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17th February 2010, 13:58
Yes well, a problem maybe, but we all have those and late at night everything seems greater.Sure all will be well.
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john (from arran)

17th February 2010, 16:13
I'm afraid now I go elsewhere as soon as I see a new thread from Dawn. It seems to me that most of the clues for the Crusader crossword were (I would normally say "manfully" in here but it might be inappropriate) solved by trevor and Mamya rather than Dawn.

One positive thought, even though SPaG is not her strong point, at least Dawn seems to have found the CAPS LOCK key and uses it some of the time. That's progress.
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18th February 2010, 20:54
I don't need anything today but just checked in to see if I could help anyone and have read through this extraordinary correspondence with Dawn. I thought you were amazingly forbearing and I'm hardly surprised by the language. Is she clogging up the site just to be stupid. It is similar to something I found on another site a few weeks ago where the sender asked every clue of a crossword separately. I think it was some bored kid at half term. I've always found you all very helpful and courteous. I would just ignore the silly woman.

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