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30th September 2014, 14:49
It is indeed a very pleasant quiz and over the years has raised a huge amount of money - let's hope this one doesn't close through early asking as so many have done in the past.

Asking one or two a week before closing is in my mind forgiveable but not with months to go.
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30th September 2014, 15:10
Ignore that gobbledygook please from me. IPad playing up! So the quiz is very soluble is it? I have only managed 28 so far. Really struggling but such is life. I think this is the most difficult one I have had yet in the 5 years I have been doing them. Onwards and upwards .......!
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30th September 2014, 15:18
Lady bee, thanks for your help. It's much appreciated. If I can help you in any way just let me know.
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30th September 2014, 15:34
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30th September 2014, 15:37
... and shameless!
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30th September 2014, 15:49
Sent a clue to Betty on different thread!
I put; think of Australia!
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lady bee

30th September 2014, 16:05
Thanks betty. I'm down to my last nine and I can't work out which one is the most frustrating!

76. League loss for Hearts in good-humoured game (8)
I take it that it's to do with football.

10. It's odds-on the key being of service (8)
Tried various things with the letter order but if you can offer any hints, they would be gratefully received.
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30th September 2014, 16:07
I assume Rusty, your posts are a dig at me. All I can say is we can't all be super intelligent and if this is the way the quiz is going I won't be participating in the future and therefore the charities will lose out. Just give a thought for those of us that at least try to solve the clues.
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30th September 2014, 16:23
76 I think it has to do with game birds not sport .
10 think church services .
can you give me a clue for no's 3,17,29 please ,still got loads to do .
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30th September 2014, 16:29
You assume wrongly.
Why seek solutions to a quiz on a crossword forum?
Why not go to a quiz forum?
"if this is the way the quiz is going" ???
The way the quiz is going has nothing to do with anyone on this forum, so I suggest you keep your ill thought out reasoning to yourself!
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