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25th January 2010, 15:38
weight in middle of that seat (6)
- O - - - -

Charge nurse working (7)
E - T - - - -

Bird, new, considerably lacking mass (8)
- U - - - - - H

Our team, English, put out (5)
- - - - E

These really have me stumped!
Thanks for any help offered.
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the joker

25th January 2010, 15:53
No.2 - ENTREAT??
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25th January 2010, 15:58
Thanks to you the Joker. How did you get to that?
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25th January 2010, 16:00
Could the bird be NUTHATCH - though I haven't yet worked out how !!!
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25th January 2010, 16:04
Thanks Marnie. I too thought it could be nuthatch, but also couldn't work out how. Though the last T in nuthatch would fit with the last T of entreat (but can't work out how it's entreat either).
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the joker

25th January 2010, 16:11
I am not sure how I got there Sally.EN is abbrev.for enrolled nurse and a nurse does TREAT a patient.
Think I am maybe shoe-horning an answer in here. I did put a question mark after my answer indicating that I was not certain it was correct.
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25th January 2010, 16:14
Thanks TJ
Shoe-horning or no - I'm sure you're right - makes sense to me
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25th January 2010, 16:25
aI think \"charge\" is nore likely to be \"entrust\" than £entreat - but I can\'t see how you get it, xcept there are more letters of \"nurse\" used. Are there any general rules for the crossword, because with \"nutthatch\" you\'ve got \"N\" for new, and \"much2 losing mass for considerably, but with \"that\" in the middle. I can\'t see how \"that much\" could work, with no clue as to the placing of the words.
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25th January 2010, 16:30
Sorry, I've made a right old mess of the typing, and I promise you I'm sober. Why do those forward slashes appear sometimes?
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25th January 2010, 16:39
I can only add more confusion,but here goes.

1. Could the weight one have some relation to TONNEAU (a seat).
2. Could the nurse one be ENTOILS. (apparently an acceptable word in scrabble. It crops up in google but I can't find a meaningful def.
3. The team one. EXILE. It contains E for England and XI for team. It also has EL,,er,um.
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