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24th June 2014, 16:24
Elle, he was in yesterday's Guardian. Rufus!
I think he is the easiest, But if you can tackle Shed you are up for any of them!
The Guardian has stated in the past, they try to put the hardest weekly crossword in on Wednesdays.
If you go to Guardian crossword site, all the setters are down the left hand side of the page. You can click on a setter and all their crosswords appear, and you can print them off. Free!
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24th June 2014, 16:27
Thanks again, Chris.
BTW, do you remember that discussion we had some time ago about 'Munchausen'? whether it should be one 'h' or two? I came across a similar clue the other day in another Times crossword - only this time the setter expected only one 'h' in the word!
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24th June 2014, 16:29
Yes, I remember, elle - it's all these foreigners fault! Why can't they have simple names, like Cholmondeley?
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24th June 2014, 16:31
That's prononunced 'Chumley' isn't it?!!!!
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24th June 2014, 16:31
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24th June 2014, 16:33
@ Rusty.... thanks for that - will print out yesterday's 'Rufus' and have a go later- we're off out soon to collect one of the grandkids from nursery.....
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24th June 2014, 16:37
Rufus is Roger Squires.
He also sets as Dante in the Financial Times.
Not sure if he still sets for Daily Telegraph.
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24th June 2014, 16:38
Hi Elle, all the Grauniads crosswords can be found somewhere near the top of the page here.

The 'Quiptic" is described as,
"A web-only, cryptic puzzle for beginners and those in a hurry. It is published on every Monday"

and 'Everyman' is often not too taxing.
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24th June 2014, 16:43
Elle, if you look up Roger Squires (Rufus) on Wikipaedia, there is some very interesting info about him!
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24th June 2014, 16:43
Thank you for your help - will give anything and everything a shot - getting 'hooked'!
Away now to collect the grandkid.......
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