Other definitions of bogey - with an e.
Main Entry: 1bo·gey
Variant(s): also bo·gie or bo·gy
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bogeys also bogies
Etymology: probably alteration of bogle
Date: 1826
1\ˈbu̇-gē, ˈbō-, ˈbü-\ : specter, phantom
2\ˈbō-gē also ˈbu̇- or ˈbü-\ : a source of fear, perplexity, or harassment
3\ˈbō-gē\ a chiefly British : an average golfer's score used as a standard for a particular hole or course b : one stroke over par on a hole in golf
4\ˈbō-gē\ : a numerical standard of performance set up as a mark to be aimed at especially in competition
5\ˈbō-gē\ : an unidentified aircraft; especially : one not positively identified as friendly and so assumed to be hostile
It's not by any chance a slang or technical term used in competitive swimming circles?