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23rd January 2010, 14:09
8 Down
16 Across
56 Across
All of them are not one long word. There are 2 words in each answer
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23rd January 2010, 14:14
Barb I dont have this xword so clues would be useful!
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23rd January 2010, 14:36

8 Down. Poetic line-end correspondences (14)
The answer is feminine rhymes.
16 Across. Pushkin epic poem (12)
The answer is. Evgeny Onegin.
56 Across. Famous poem (10)
The answer is Gray's Elegy.
This was just info in case people were struggling.
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david moss

23rd January 2010, 16:25
Thank you for correcting the Times' mistakes. I would suggest that the correct spelling is Eugene...
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