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7th June 2014, 00:33
I think these are correct but the parsing eludes me.....

11a. Flipping, flipping short clergyman (3) - REV (Clergyman) - I thought this was 'REVersing' (flipping) shortened , but that doesn't explain why 'Flipping' appears twice, so I'm obviously missing something.

20d. Eastern port making grandad queen then? (7) - NANKING (Eastern Port) - It looks like 'Grandad' becomes NAN and 'Queen' becomes king, but I can't see the instruction to switch them - or, I could be comlpletly wrong.

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7th June 2014, 00:39
11a. flipping=over, flipped & losing o
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7th June 2014, 00:52
Hi Brendan (and mattrom)
11:is it not more likely flipping when used as emphasis
= ver(y) flipping gives rev

20 then? implies if grandad is queen, nan, his partner, is king.

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7th June 2014, 01:02
Hi Ginge, hi Mattrom, both suggestions for 11a. seem equally plausible. Regards 20d., I'm not sure I follow you Ginge. How could the 'Grandad' be queen, he's the wrong sex?
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7th June 2014, 01:12
You're being too logical and I probably didn't explain it fully;
The clue states "making grandad queen then?"
So grandad is already queen and "then?" implies nan is king, in terms of how the clue is written " making nan king".

Re 11 I don't think over is a synonym of flipping, perhaps "turning over".

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7th June 2014, 01:17
Right, I think I follow you Ginge. If 'Grandad is queen' then it follows that Grandma or 'Nan' would be king. Took me a while but i got there in the end. Many thanks Ginge, and thanks again Mottram.
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7th June 2014, 01:48
I was thinking of "over" in the sense of "more than" or "beyond", but it's more than likely that ginge's explanation is what the setter had in mind.
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